Boost your mood

Commercially, December is presented as a month of joy, having people around, familly and friends. Because of this image sold everywhere, a lot of people can feel down more than usual. Fact is, December or not, you may pass through a rough time. While these tricks will not fix your broken relationship or get your job back or fix whatever it is that you’ve lost, they can change your perception. With the right mood and a better mindset, you will overcome faster the obstacles you face. Let’s see how you can boost your mood.

In essence, we’re talking about raising your dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin levels without any meds. I’m insisting on the “without any meds” part because fooling around with hormones or certain supplements can have strong undesired effects. Instead, use simple and unexpected tricks that can rise the level of these neurotransmitters and boost your mood. An add-on is to increase your endorphins.

Dopamine boosters

Selfcare – even basic grooming does the trick, but if you’re down, try a bit more than your usual routine.

Finishing a task – You have to be aware you’ve completed something. The easiest way to become more aware is to make a list with what you have to do today and tick items off the list during the day.

Celebrate small victories – You need to reward your small achievements. The “prize” can be something very small like watching a sitcom episode or having a cake as a reward for something you achieved during the day.

Eat food that you really like – well, technically you would need more tyrosine (found in bananas, avocado, eggs, fish, yogurt, cheese, chicken). Eating food that tastes really good and that you really enjoy will kick off your dopamine. Just don’t exaggerate, because it’s not about the quantity.

Oxytocin boosters

Hugs – Hug a person or an animal. Holding hands has the same effect.

Tender or nice gestures. A random act of kindness can have this effect.

Petting – getting petted or petting someone (a human or an animal). Playing with a pet works just as fine.

Nice words / compliments – giving compliments or receiving compliments. Did you get the part with “giving” compliments that make you feel good instead?

I find it awesome that a lot of these gestures are oriented towards someone else, yet the level of oxytocin increases in you. Another beneficial effect of raising oxytocin is that it inhibits cortisol (the stress hormone).

Serotonin boosters

Physical exercise, but cardio more than others (running, swimming, cycling).

Expose to natural light for at least 15 minutes. Sun exposure would be best. This also helps to naturally produce Vitamin D which is essential for serotonin. So even if it’s cold outside and mostly cloudy if you see the sun shining for a short while, take a break and go outside. You have no idea how important this is.

Be thankful for what you have – I plan to write more about this in a couple of weeks.

Take a walk in nature – can be a park, not necessarily a forest.

Endorphins boosters

Endorphins can suppress any type of pain. Because they behave much like opioids, they are addictive. Luckily or not, they have a short effect.

Dark chocolate – well, any chocolate would work, but the darker it is, the better.

Laughter – watch a comedy, a stand up show, some jokes, anything that makes you laugh.

Spiced food – doesn’t have to be hot spicy, but with a lot of spices.


Besides these specific actions, listening to calm music, sleep above all, volunteering (or simply helping others for free) and meditation contribute to all of them. The best part is that you can do most of these actions by yourself and self-repair. Ideally, you can turn them into a habit. Why not, if they work?