Why it’s hard to love with anxiety (but not impossible)
People with anxiety are extraordinary people. Once they get rid of anxiety, they can do spectacular things. That's all you need to know.
Behaviour is a mirror
People with anxiety are extraordinary people. Once they get rid of anxiety, they can do spectacular things. That's all you need to know.
A fortune teller is not a psychic and can't see the future. However, human behavioural patterns can be predicted and influenced through profiling and applied psychology
To win a conflict or at least get the best possible outcome, you need to stay rational and not respond to emotions. Keep calm!
Organizing groups is challenging. With proper guidance you can mitigate a significant amount of the risk, but hands-on experience is priceless!
Self-confidence relies on past experience. Once it's been built, in the absence of rational events, doubts come only from negative thinking.
High performers can have a healthy life and excel naturally. Overachievers are overcompensators and that's not healthy...
Knowing your behavioural triggers is essential for self control and to alter a behaviour that doesn't serve you well.
Limiting beliefs can keep people small. In order to evolve, you have to break them and (re) define your identity. Find out how!
Aside from legal implications, mobbing can have severe consequences on the victim, ranging from generalized anxiety to PTSD. It must never be tolerated!
Why do we fall for words instead of facts? Because we often lie to ourselves. You are the sole owner of a property called ‘your own life’.