be unstoppable

Shocking isn’t it? You get the “be unstoppable” part, but how can someone encourage you to break? To be breakable?  Well, let me ask you something… How do you know something is unbreakable unless you try to hammer it down with more and more force? Just to see if it breaks. I don’t want that for myself and neither for you. Besides, something unbreakable is rigid. You can’t go through life without adapting.

I’ll never pretend I’m unbreakable. I’ve been broken so many times, I should’ve been hired by Lego. I should’ve got an honorary degree on puzzles.

Break, then be unstoppable!

If you’re broken, don’t stay broken. Regroup into a new shape! For most people, passed their 30’s, this brings to mind the image of the Terminator. I like to joke about it saying that sometimes I reshaped into a better machine, other times into a kitchen blender.  Every time I came back in a slightly different form. Proof is that I’m still here. I’m not the same person I was 20 years ago, nor the person I was 10 years ago, nor the person I was 3 years ago or a year ago. And that’s good. You’re supposed to evolve. Comeback after comeback, you learn you’re unstoppable.

How to be unstoppable


Preparation enhances opportunities, but it also makes you act on instinct. Prepare on whatever matters to you if you want to be unstoppable. Sitting on the couch and listening to motivational speeches, doesn’t prepare you. Action does. Don’t focus on the outcome, ace the process. I’ve explained this one here.

Physical exercise should be part of anyone’s preparation. Get your body moving. Not only it is healthy, it oxygenates your brain and helps you think better.

Live your values

Have some moral principles that you don’t deviate from. This list should keep growing throughout your life. Principles give you clarity, because they tell you what you would never do and set moral boundaries. They make it easier for you to make decisions and stick to lessons learned.

Have ownership

Be in control through ownership. Be careful what story you tell yourself. “I got dumped / fired” OR “My actions / my lack of implication have led to getting dumped/ fired”. Life didn’t happen to you. Other people didn’t cause life to happen to you. Your actions or inactions had consequences. Neglect has consequences 100% of the time. Tell your story in this manner, so you can learn that you control what happens.

Raise your standards

Standards determine where you draw the line. What you accept and what you don’t. Aim for “better”, because you deserve better. There’s no “why”, no “but”. You just Do. Better doesn’t mean more expensive. To be unstoppable fill your energy stash with better food, better lifestyle, better health, better relationships, better friends. Small, constant steps.

Be assertive

Stand your ground. Assertiveness doesn’t go against adaptation, listening to others or changing your opinion in front of facts. Speak up, protect your point of view, say what you want and what you need. Don’t be a pushover. But at the same time, when you hear GOOD arguments, have the courage to change your opinion.

Get enough sleep

We’ve discussed here how lack of sleep or insufficient sleep physically damages you, not to mention your way of thinking. Make time for recovery, in general.

Have the courage to fail

Failure is learning how not to do things. There is not a single champion or master in this world who didn’t fail while learning. Best athletes have failed in major competitions, in front of millions or even billions of people, and that didn’t make them less great. Learn your lesson and let go.

Learn self-control

Mental training. People with addictions, give in easily. Notice people around you who binge on food, drinks, social media, gaming. Something is not right. They resort to over consumption in order to cope with their anxiety. That makes them weak targets.

People who scream, shout, raise their voice are afraid of something. Keeping calm amidst the storm will help you win every battle. Breathe. Don’t avoid your emotions, go through them, let them pass.


What? Speaking in front of the mirror? You can speak in front of the kitchen cabinet for all I care. You are your best and for life, supporter. So, you’d better get the f… up and cheer for yourself!

If you want to be unstoppable, repeat it as many times as it takes to start believing it.

Keep the right people around you

Toxic people? OUT. Naysayers? OUT. Listen to those that support you, that cheer for you. Listen to those who have succeeded – ask them how they did it. Anyone can tell you how to fail.

Break. Adapt. Evolve. Be unstoppable.

If you have enjoyed reading this or know someone who needs to hear all this, please go ahead and share it with your friends. Thank you!